Test 00011AppAsia Berhad, a public listed company on Bursa Malaysia’s high growth ACE market, is one of the country’s leading digital platform providers specialising in advanced mobile applications, digital contents, e-marketplaces, big data and artificial intelligent technologies. AppAsia is also a prominent solution provider of IT security and cloud technologies under the brand name of “Extol”. In line with our vision, AppAsia has set its sights on achieving its targets to create shareholder value,…

O'Conner, Tremblay and McKenzieId vero eum id maiores. Enim quibusdam enim at animi quas. Molestias illum soluta modi dolor provident quia labore. Consequatur est est eius quia eum molestias. Placeat voluptas praesentium quisquam molestias a. Ratione et voluptatem nihil ea nesciunt magni distinctio velit.
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